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Fast-tracked accommodation

Fast-tracked accommodation

Are you in urgent need of a place to live? In certain situations, you can obtain a Declaration of Urgency and make a fast-track application.

If you want to make a fast-track application, you must be registered with us as an accommodation seeker and you must be living in the Netherlands. You can register from the age of 17. If you are younger than 17, please contact us directly. Only submit a  fast-track  request if you are looking for a place to move in to immediately, and you meet the conditions described below.


To apply for fast-tracked accommodation, you must be registered with us, and meet at least one of the  following conditions:

The journey time from your current home address to your educational institution in Rotterdam is longer than two hours. To prove your current address, you need to provide a copy of the relevant extract (uittreksel) from your municipality’s Personal Records Database (BPR).

Important. If your fast-track request is based on travel time, you must be registered with us as an accommodation seeker for at least six months. If you are applying via (de)centralised selection / ballot and you have not yet been registered with us for six months, please indicate this when applying.

You are subject to physical or psychological (threats of) violence, as a result of which you cannot continue to live in your current home. You can prove this by providing a police statement.


You are currently renting accommodation through us and are experiencing physical and/or psychological problems due to your living situation. You can prove this by providing a medical declaration.

If you are experiencing any problems due to living in our accommodation, always let us know as soon as possible. We are always happy to help you.


Submit your request via the fast-track request form.  

There is a charge of €25 for processing a fast-track request. This is not refundable, also if your application is rejected or you decline an offer of accommodation made via the fast-track process.


Once your fast-track request has been approved and your Declaration of Urgency has been issued, we will offer you a suitable home within three months. We cannot take any individual preferences into account. If you reject our offer, your Declaration of Urgency will be cancelled.


Got any questions?

If you have any questions or are uncertain about whether you qualify for fast-tracked accommodation, please contact us. We will be happy to help you.