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If you are not happy about the way Stadswonen Rotterdam or your residents' committee has handled something, or feel something is amiss, you can file a complaint.

Here is a summary of our complaints procedure:

  1. Report it to us
    If there is something you are not happy about concerning our service, contact us via If your complaint is urgent, call 010 – 245 67 00.
  2. Our confirmation
    We will confirm receipt of your complaint within 3 working days (or within 24 hours for urgent cases). This will either be by telephone, depending on the nature of the complaint. We will attempt to resolve your problem directly from your initial contact, if this is possible.
  3. Resolution
    We will attempt to resolve your complaint within 10 working days of receiving it. If we need more time, we will be sure to let you know.

 If, after investigating your complaint, we conclude that there is no case to answer, we will let you know. The reason for our rejection will be clearly explained in writing, together with advice on how to resolve the matter by other means.

Disputes Advisory Committee

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, an appointment can be made to discuss it with us. If this does not produce agreement between us, you can take your complaint to the Disputes Advisory Committee (Dutch website).

At what point should I turn to the Disputes Advisory Committee?

The Disputes Advisory Committee is an independent body that mediates and advises on disputes between clients and corporations. This is your next port of call after you have contacted Stadswonen Rotterdam and we have tried, but failed, to find a resolution together. Examples of complaints concerning the Stadswonen Rotterdam service might be that your repair request was not handled correctly, or that too high an amount for rent was deducted from your bank account.

Registering complaints 

You can register and check the status of complaints to the Disputes Advisory Committee via their website.

Further action required?

If you are still not satisfied with the outcome after the complaint has been discussed with both Stadswonen Rotterdam and the Disputes Advisory Committee, you can escalate it to the tenancy committee. If this does not lead to a satisfactory outcome, your final option is to take it to court.

If you are not happy about the way your residents' committee has handled something, or feel something is amiss, you can file a complaint to them. Here is a summary of the procedure:

Report it to your residents’ committee

Report your objection or complaint to your residents’ committee in writing, within two weeks of the incident concerned. Your case will be dealt with during your committee’s next meeting. If they feel there is no case to answer, you will receive a written explanation as to why.

Report it to the Management Structure Committee

If you do not agree with the decision made by your residents' committee, you can lodge an appeal with Stadswonen Rotterdam’s Management Structure Committee. This must be done within two weeks of receiving the decision. Please note: your appeal will not be considered if you fail to submit it within this two week period. You should send your appeal via e-mail, complete with any associated documents, with “FAO secretary to the Management Structure Committee” in the subject line.

Management Structure Committee procedure

You’ll receive confirmation of receipt of your appeal, including (reference to) a copy of the Management Structure Committee’s regulations;

  1. You will receive an invitation to meet with the Committee within 30 days of filing your appeal. There will be a notice period of at least five working days between the invitation being issued and the date of the meeting;
  2. The Committee’s decision will be provided in writing to all parties concerned, as soon as possible, within a maximum of six weeks after the meeting. This decision will include the explanation behind it and any concluded sanction.

Full disclosure: the Committee’s judgements are binding for all parties and will be made public.

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