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Property rental career

Easily move to another home

A larger living space, a bit more privacy, or just want to try a different aspect of Rotterdam? Stadswonen Rotterdam makes it easy for you to move. We call this your property rental career.

Do you live in a room in a shared property and want to switch up to a private studio? Or have you completed your studies and are now dreaming of moving into an apartment. Maybe together with your partner? With Stadswonen Rotterdam, you can easily transition to one of our other types of homes, or to a home outside of our own portfolio. Here are all your possibilities.

Moving with Stadswonen Rotterdam

Would you like to easily be able to move to another room, studio or apartment offered by Stadswonen Rotterdam? Then register again. As an existing tenant, your registration period accumulates faster than it does for non-tenants. This makes it easy for you to move on to another home that (better) suits your living requirements. The living space you leave behind is then released for a new tenant. Re-registration is done via Stadswonen Portal  for a one-off fee of €15.


Registration with Woonnet Rijnmond

You’ll find all the properties offered via housing corporations in the Rijnmond region at Woonnet Rijnmond. The sooner you register, the more choice you’ll have of available rental properties later on. Your registration period starts to build up from the moment you pay the one-off €10 registration fee. So register now to become eligible for a new home as soon as possible.


Private sector rentals

Looking for a rental property in the private sector? Stadswonen Rotterdam also offers studios and apartments from this sector. Another option is to go to Woonstad Rotterdam, who have immediately available apartments all over the city from €711 per month. With Woonstad Rotterdam you’re not locked in to a minimum rental period, so can move out again whenever you wish. There are no registration or agency fees to pay, just a one-off administration charge of €250.  


Property purchase through Woonstad Rotterdam

Woonstad Rotterdam offers homes to buy all over Rotterdam from €100,000. As a Stadwonen Rotterdam tenant, you may be given priority for purchasing one of these. This is conditional on you vacating a Stadswonen Rotterdam rental property and having sufficient income to afford the purchase price.