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Self Service

Arrange yourself online

At Stadswonen Rotterdam, you can handle a lot of common tenancy issues and requests online – whether you want to get something repaired, give notice for your present unit, or ask permission to sublet your place.

Simply log in to Stadswonen Portal. In the sections below, we will explain how to arrange specific matters online.

To change your telephone number and e-mail address, simply log in to Stadswonen Portal and edit the relevant fields. Here you can also manage your personal profile. Make sure  that any personal details which you provide are accurate and current, so we can match you with the right living spaces in case you are looking for a new accommodation from us.

In Stadswonen Portal you can find an up-to-date overview of your past payments and outstanding rent. The rent is automatically transferred from your account on the 1st day of each month. If you prefer, you can change this to 5 days earlier or 5 days later in the Stadswonen Portal. Whatever works best for you.

In some cases you are allowed to sublet your unit or room for a specific period. To do so, you need to apply to Stadswonen Rotterdam for permission via the relevant form in Stadswonen Portal.

Sometimes, things in your home or in the communal areas will get broken. Breakages which you are responsible for fixing, at your own expense, do not have to be reported. The Maintenance Guide contains a section-by-section overview of who is responsible for carrying out different types of repairs and paying for them.

If you have a breakage which is our responsibility to fix, report it via the Stadswonen Portal, via WhatsApp, or by calling us:

  • The Stadswonen Portal: log in, choose ‘ request repairs‘ and fill in the form.
  • WhatsApp: send a message to 0229-255039. Save this number in your contacts to quickly and easily start a conversation as and when you need to.
  • Call us: you can report breakages 24/7 by calling 010 24 56 700. For non-urgent repairs, we’ll arrange a time to do the work. Urgent matters such as gas or water leaks or storm damage will be dealt with immediately.

If you are in arrears with your rent, you can ask for a payment plan to make up the outstanding amount. You can arrange your payment plan in the Stadswonen Portal

If you have any complaints or if you are experiencing nuisance from something or someone in your environment, please report this via the Stadswonen Portal.

Giving notice for your tenancy agreement is easy via Stadswonen Portal. When giving notice, be sure to take account of the notice period, the overlap between the terms of your old and new tenancy agreements, the costs of rent and possible additional charges.

Preliminary inspection

Once you’ve terminated your rental contract, we’ll come round to do a preliminary inspection of the accommodation. We’ll then explain what you need to do in terms of clearing it out before you leave.

Clearing and cleaning

You must ensure all your personal belongings are removed and the accommodation is left clean and tidy. Follow this checklist. We won’t visit again for a final inspection, but you will be required to send us clear photos showing how you’ve left every part of the accommodation.

Repairing damage

We will check whether you’ve left the accommodation in the required condition. If this is not the case, we will arrange for any necessary removals, repairs and cleaning, the costs of which will be passed on to you. See the cost list.

You should therefore make sure you’ve repaired any damage before you leave. If there are any repairs needed which fall under our responsibility, then make sure you report these to us before you leave.

Leaving items for the next tenant

You can make an agreement with the incoming tenant to leave certain items behind, either for free or for a price. If you do this, you need to submit a handover statement, signed by both parties, before you leave.