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Living in City Centre

The most popular residential neighbourhood in Rotterdam among students is the lively and vibrant City Centre.

Together with Kralingen, Rotterdam’s city centre is the most popular district among students looking for a place to live. Particularly freshmen who don’t know that much about Rotterdam’s other neighbourhoods yet - and consequently don’t appreciate what they have to offer. But then, who would argue with having a room in the Centre? It’s a great place to live. Everything you need to live, study, work or relax is in walking distance.

Our rooms, studios and apartments in student buildings are intended for students aged between 17 and 27 who are following a full-time MBO, HBO or WO course in Rotterdam.

After leaving education, former students already renting from us can apply for our apartments if they are aged between 23 and 27 and have paid jobs.

For students:

For tenants:

Currently available

Did you know that?

  • De Markthal is the Netherlands’ first and largest covered food market?
  • De Witte Aap is chosen as the best bar in the world by Lonely Planet?
  • The nickname of Rotterdam Central Station is 'Kapsalon', a local dish?